Data-Driven Solutions

Delio Nobrega  “Data Expert”.

From working in the UK to moving to Australia, this expert guides companies on saving costs, improving processes, and automating tasks using data.

In a fascinating project with a postal service, data was used to help determine accurate stamp pricing!

We also discuss how quality data leads to smarter decisions and drives business growth. Curious about data engineering and its impact on the business world? Watch this episode of Know Your Community to learn more!


Find a comfy seat…

…Get that sweet treat you’ve been hording in the back of the freezer;

…and meet Delio Nobrega of Data-Driven Solutions!



Data-Driven Solutions

Delio Nobrega  “Data Expert”.

From working in the UK to moving to Australia, this expert guides companies on saving costs, improving processes, and automating tasks using data.

In a fascinating project with a postal service, data was used to help determine accurate stamp pricing!

We also discuss how quality data leads to smarter decisions and drives business growth. Curious about data engineering and its impact on the business world? Watch this episode of Know Your Community to learn more!


Find a comfy seat…

…Get that sweet treat you’ve been hording in the back of the freezer;

…and meet Delio Nobrega of Data-Driven Solutions!